Starting with OPC 2.0.325 we added a generic support for a select drop down where your customer can choose which gift he would like to receive with the purchase.
One Page Checkout Virtuemart feature list
One Page Checkout for Virtuemart Feature List and Comparison
Since Virtuemart 2.0.20 there is a new One Page Checkout feature included in the core Virtuemart. We decided to compare the inbuilt One Page Checkout soluton with our own extension. The main difference is that Virtuemart's core solution is NOT a One Page Checkout because it requires the customers to visit another page to enter address and return back. Our solution tries to make the process of the checkout much more simple with a minimum amount of clicks needed, no additional pages need to be displayed and all data, methods and taxes are automatically calculated during the filling of the address.
EU VAT and Mini One Stop Shop Tax System for Virtuemart (MOSS)
One Page Checkout for Virtuemart 3 (and Virtuemart2) now comes with a special calculation plugin which is capable of calculating tax on your digital sales to European Union the way they are ought to calculated. The plugin generally supports two modes - normal EU VAT tax mode where each product, shipping or payment fee can have it's own home tax rate or if you sell digital products, the customer rate is used. The plugin does not require our One Page Checkout to be used, it can run as a standalone calculation plugin, but it uses OPC EU VAT checker code to validate the EU VAT numbers. No shopper groups configuration is needed and no country configuration is needed. MOSS rates are downloaded from Google Drive.
Product Export XML Feeds
OPC for Virtuemart 3 and Virtuemart 2 comes with custom built product XML feeds which allow you to export your products and it's attributes (custom fields) into Google Merchant RSS Feed,,, and other price comparing or aggregator companies. OPC supports 2 ways of generating the feeds - either manually via visiting OPC Export section and clicking create the feed where you can configure a default number of products (batch) which will be exported at once to be able to proceed with your memory and timeout limits or via CRON's CLI support where you can run the script directly which will export the products without any timeout other limits. Each aggregator uses it's own taxonomy for category export so they can pair your products into their own category system. OPC Export comes with custom tab plugin which displayes the 3rd party category taxonomy within your Virtuemart category backend management.
Third address in Virtuemart checkout - Installation Address
Since OPC 2.0.304 we are adding a new feature into OPC that supports additional address to be shown at the checkout which can be especially usefull for Telecommunication companies where customer's Bill To, Ship To and Installation Address is required. To enable the third address, mark your address fields within Shopper Fields tab at OnePage Checkout backend.
Delivery Date Picker with Holliday Support
Are you looking for a solution to allow your customers to pick a Delivery date, but your real shop opening hours are limited only to business days? Our Delivery Picker section will allow you to use a custom delivery picker where you can configure hollidays, opening days and much more.
Virtuemart Order and Invoice Numbering System
You don't like the Virtuemart default numbering mechanism? Try OPC Numbering Plugin which is part of OPC Installation. OPC now fully supports a standalone Numbering system where you can manage how the Order and Invoice numbers will look like.
Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Virtuemart
As part of our One Page Checkout solution for Virtuemart 3 (and Virtuemart 2) we provide a standalone tracking plugin which can run even when you decide not to use our checkout solution. The tracking allows you to collect anonymous or per User-id visitor data which help you decide on your ROI within advertisements or site changes. The tracking solution is installed with the same installer package as the OPC solution itself, and has a separate backend to allow configuration options.
Final Confirmation Popup
Dear friends, within version of 2.0.289 OPC for Virtuemart 2 or Virtuemart 3, we added a Final Checkout Confirmation Modal compatible with German usage where the Total must be shown right above the Final confirm button.
Donate to Charity (Checkbox Products)
Since OPC 2.0.285, we added a special feature into OPC, which allows you to add a paid checkboxes into the checkout. You can use them for Charity, Product add-ons or any other case that you can imagine. These special checkbox products can be shown either within the totals or as a new products within the cart.
JTouch Jquery Mobile Theme
Since version of OPC 2.0.253 we added a new Jquery Mobile theme that is intended to work with Jtouch plugin that can switch your joomla theme per device detected. The new OPC theme is highly optimized for mobile usage.
Editable Product Attributes in the Cart for Virtuemart
Since version of OPC2.0.216 OPC is able to render editable attributes directly in the cart. The price will be updated among any changes to the attributes.
OPC Affiliate Tracking Feature for Virtuemart 3
Since OPC2 for Virtuemart 2 version 2.0.211 we had added a sophisticated order tracking feature which will notify your advertisement providers per specific order status set at the configuration.
Klarna and OPC experience on Virtuemart
One Page Checkout for Virtuemart (both versions) fully supports Klarna payment and compared to the classic Virtuemart checkout, it simplifies the checkout with Klarna. It doesn't asks for the fields such as the SSN twice but uses Virtuemart shopper fields to collect these information. When OPC and Klarna are run from Sweden, you may enable auto address feature for Klarna where the customer after filling his SSN and clicking the button will see all of his fields at the checkout page filled.
Advanced Email Campaign Support
Since OPC 2.0.197 we had included a further support for add-to-cart as link functionality which now supports auto coupon that can be processed either by Virtuemart or your 3rd party extension such as AWO Coupons and also a special article above the basket that will be shown when using this feature. This feature is intended for those who do the marketing campaings over emails and would like to provide a direct link to the cart (with a product or a set of products) with coupon code that will be automatically applied for such links from the email and also additional information for the customer above the basket.
Ready for Global Use
One Page Checkout for Virtuemart (both versions) is using your Virtuemart's language files and thus it works on all languages. OPC2 fully supports multilanguage Joomla and also adds many new features to multi language ecommerce. OPC1 supports Joomfish. Here we would like to advise our customers on proper configuration of Virtuemart and One Page Checkout for various international uses such as United States tax mode (per state), European tax mode and Zero decimals rounding for Swedish and Hungarian
Available OnePage Checkout Templates
These are One Page Checkout templates included in standard installer. You can opt-out styled top basket and configure tax appearance, every template has it's own CSS file and some have also a javascript helper file.
One Page Checkout backend configuration in your own language
Dear friends, we finally translated the backend configuration into English, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Russian, and Slovak. English translation is the default. We are looking for translators who would like to make our extension truly international.
Double Email Field for Virtuemart
If the email address of your customer is the most valuable information for you, we created an extension for OPC which asks for customer's email address twice. This is usefull when using silent registration where username is automatically created by customer's email address.
Delayed Shipping for FedEx, UPS and USPS
We have added new options for shipping when using UPS, USPS or Fedex shipping. We added loader image, so customer knows that shipping is being updated and we added an option for customer to click on a link to reload shipping options for a selected address (OPC1). Shipping can be automatically loaded on leaving the last shipping field (OPC1). This feature is usefull only when using a shipping method which does calls to a remote server and in combination of SSL it can become slow or timed out. In OPC2 this feature is used to load shipping after the checkout page loads purely with javascript so it does not slow down the page load when those API based shipping methods are used.
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