We've developed a new Joomla and Virtuemart extension which enables you to search your products the Google way. For demo please visit http://testvm.rupostel.sk/ and see RuposTel VirtueMart Ajax Search with input box "Product Search" at the left modules (this is VM1 on Joomla 1.5 site). For VM2 site, and ajax search in component mode, search for "saw" within http://vm2.rupostel.com/vm2010 Since March 2015, the search works also in no-ajax mode.
Unified subscription
This extension can be purchased with our unified Subscription of RuposTel One Page Checkout

How to download and install
1. After purchase visit our Download section
2. Download One Page Checkout installer for Virtuemart 3
3. Install with Joomla installer (note: One Page Checkout itself is disabled by default)
4. At OPC Extensions tab click Install/Upgrade your purchased extension
5. Ask for support via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if needed
This extension is provided as is, with no additional support unless agreed otherwise. The extension is provided "as is" and includes a hidden back link to our site. Please don't remove the link if you like this extension and want to support us. These are the features:
VirtueMart Ajax Product Search module which does not depend on any javascript platform such as mootools written in pure javascript. - Includes own SQL search queries
- ajax results can be styled with own code
- Creates and shows own thumbs for products (GD Required)
- Caches the result of the search thus making it much faster
- Supports SEO extensions
- uses your Virtuemart's language files - no translation is necessary
- installs and uninstalls cleanly with joomla installer
Download here for Virtuemart 1.1.x and Joomla 1.5
Download here for Virtuemart 2.x and Joomla 2.5 (and Joomla 1.5)
Updated 27.12.2012 (fixed VM 2.0.16 compatiblity issue)
Note 2: If you updated virtuemart to above 2.0.14, you also have to update this module as well with the link below, or delete your virtuemart's /components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart_parser.php which causes issues with extensions that were built for both versions of virtuemart.
The PRO version of this extension is available only via our official download section for OPC Subscribers.
http://www.rupostel.com/mod_vm_ajax_search_for_vm2.zip (free version - only ajax drop down works here, no joomla 3 support)
Both versions of the module include a backlink to our site. If you need 1 hour support for this extension in matters of functionality, design or customization, please purchase 50 euro of additional services and let us know.
[NEW] Mar 2015 - Release of Ajax Search Pro for Virtuemart 2.0.x and Virtuemart 3.0.x
Unified subscription
This extension can be purchased with our unified Subscription of RuposTel One Page Checkout

How to download and install
1. After purchase visit our Download section
2. Download One Page Checkout installer for Virtuemart 3
3. Install with Joomla installer (note: One Page Checkout itself is disabled by default)
4. At OPC Extensions tab click Install/Upgrade your purchased extension
5. Ask for support via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if needed
PRO Version versus FREE version
- can be fully styled including the results, it uses standard joomla overrides for it's styles
- the results are much more relevant - much higher quality of the results, especially due to searching word variations
- new non-ajax mode for sites that require the largest speed possible
- new "more" button can be added to the results set
- it can use either your VM's category theme, K2 theme, or it's own theme within joomla overrides
- shows top 500 keywords, so you can customize your product descriptions in case the customers do not find what you sell
- added a new options: "debug - to be able to style the ajax pop-ups" and "search products only in stock"
We had released a PRO version of Ajax Search for OPC subscribers which can be downloaded from our download area.
New in 2015
Ajax search pro now supports component ajax search mode or drop down search mode. There are lot's of minor fixes in the PRO version. It can use it's own product listing template, or Virtuemart's category template.
How to use Ajax Search Pro
1. Install the package which will install a component and a module into your joomla 2.5.x
2. How to set up "ajax component mode": Check your theme's position where you would like to show the results of the search the same way as your virtuemart categories are shown. You may use Google Chrome console to find out an ID or a class of an element where the html will be auto inserted
3. In the example above we located an id "wrapper2" which suits the results section the best
4. Proceed to the module configuration "RuposTel Ajax Search Pro" and configure the component settings here:
4. Enable the module whereever needed (even outside virtuemart pages) and see the results as shown at our customer at www.municak.sk
5. To hide the left or right columns, set proper settings per right and left column area within the module configuration
- This module uses it's own caching per search string
- Each search is stored in stats table
- It does not and will not support page listing, but rather the user should specify better search string to match less products
- The number of results can be configured within the module
- The checkbox shown within the search is used to ask for "search descriptions as well" which slows down the query several times. (configured via Optional search parameters)
- Styling is done per random selected virtuemart category -> if you are using various styles per category, let us know
Future updates
- create pre-cached results per most searched strings via a cron job
- add drop down search option where the results can be styled with joomla overrides
Please use our forum or send us an email in case you needed help.
How to get Ajax Search Pro
Since June 2015 we do not provide standalone installer package and we rather bundle all of our extensions under single OPC subscription and single installer.
1. Download OPC (one page checout) from our download section
2. Install OPC (large upload support is needed)
3. Install from OPC Extension tab (com_rupsearch and mod_virtuemart_ajax_search_pro) as shown at this image:
RuposTel.com Dev Team
PLease help me!
Best regards,
- noimage support
- duplicit images bug for images such as img_1.jpg and img_2.jpg
- SEO now works well on the latest version of Artio JommSEF, but in some other configurations we were not able to create proper SEF links yet
I wonder is there an option to limit the search in sertain category? For example: I make two categories in my online shop - "Clothes" and "Shoes". I want to put a copy of the module in "Clothes" and another one in "Shoes". When a search is performed on each of the copies of the module, to show results only from the particular category. Is this possible?
Thanks a lot in advance!
please have a look into /modules/mod_vm _ajax_search/aj ax/index.php where you can customize your SQL queries. In the next version Ajax search will work with joomfish-virtue mart sites and will be able to search translations of the product.
Example: When submitting search string it goes to;
needs to be changed to:
If I can get this little bit figured out this mod will be a perfect solution for my search needs.
[censored] ://www .randomurl.com/index.php?keyword=ops&Itemid=1&option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse
[censored] ://www .randomurl.com/ CATALOG/index.p hp?keyword=ops& Itemid=1&option =com_virtuemart &page=shop.brow se
search for
my page www.instrumentalia.com.co in productos
How to set the sizes of the image?
Fatal error: Class 'shSEFConfig' not found in /home/websitena me/domains/webs itename.nl/publ ic_html/plugins /system/shsef.p hp on line 281
function &shGetConfig() {
static $shConfig = null;
if (empty($shConfi g)) { // config not read yet
$shConfig = new shSEFConfig();
return $shConfig;
line 195 and 210 edit the 30x30 default value
After typing a search string and clicking the search buton it doesnt delivers any results in the search page. 0 Results.
If you press "enter" after typing works well.
tested on [censored]://te stvm.rupostel.s k/ using FF, IE, Chrome
can you tell how to add the short description?
Thanks in advance
I have a problem with the field VM Searchpage URL. It doesn´t work although it works directly in my browser. It worked on my old testing site but no in this new one. My domain in VM is ok.
please, any suggestion?
search for
I have correctly configure URL and SECUREURL in VM.
If I type my url + what I have write in VM Searchpage URL (relative to domain) I can see the advanced search page in VM.
What to modify in default.php file? what line?
thanks a lot
I have correctly configured URL and SECUREURL in VirtueMart.
I looked through all the code default.php.
Adjusting of $base_dir did nothing.
I adjusted line 43, adding 'CATALOG/' before index.php, and when I make a search on the site, each time the script duplicated the 'CATALOG'. (That is, when you try to use searching, you get '[censored]://M YSITE.com/CATAL OG/CATALOG/inde x.php?keyword=S EARCH&Itemid=10 &option=com_vir tuemart&page=sh op.browse&Searc h=blablabla')
Please follow to the forum here:
It does not require registration, but in case you'd like to get registered you can use this link on the left side of this page.
I've created new forum for this extension because JComements does not support php tags in the comments.
Please follow to the forum here:
It does not require registration, but in case you'd like to get registered you can use this link on the left side of this page.
The mod is working well, thanks for it, but when I start typing it shows this message at the bottom :
Fatal error: Class 'shSEFConfig' not found in /.........../ro ot/plugins/syst em/shsef.php on line 279
Well I am using SH404SEF. Maybe Conflict?
Is there a fix for it?
Thanks a lot.
sorry for my English. i install this module when search product
this error show end search result:
nvalid argument supplied for foreach() rokcandy_system .php on line 142
What is a problem?
sorry 4 my eng.
all generated thumb in this patway created. GD lib conected. But in dropdown search results pictures not displayed.
OR are you missing some part such as:
[censored]:/xyz.com/test/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/resized/thumb_30x30/_______________ __4f7aa2016962d _250x250_30x30. jpg
Warning: uasort() [function.uasor t]: The argument should be an array in /home/public_ht ml/plugins/syst em/jfdatabase.p hp on line 118
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/public_ht ml/plugins/syst em/jfdatabase.p hp on line 119
Any ideas how to fix?
What versions of Joomla and Virtuemart is Virtuemart Ajax Product Search compatible with?
Has anyone tested Virtuemart Ajax Product Search with large datasets for 10,000 products and above?
The ajax search results include products that have been unpublished from virtuemart, is there any way i can stop it showing these without deleting the products?
Further customization (turning on or off of the cache) can be done at the top of the /modules/mod_vm _ajax_search/aj ax/index.php ($cache_off = true;)
Thanks for any help!
Thanks for any help!
function showImage
input parameter is a product's column product_thumb_i mage. I can't replicate this issue on my demos.
Also I was wondering how you change the image size output. I thought I found it but it isn't working. I want to make the images larger than they are by default in the search results.
Thanks for the help!
I installed your perfect Ajax search and it worked perfect until I activated SH404SEF (I purged the database). As soon a I click on a search result I'm redirected to the homepage (I think a 404).
Is this a known issue?
I'm using VM 2.0.12f. And Joomla 2.5!
sorry for this message, but this mod doesn't work with this config...
Error Message:
"Figyelem: Az Ön Joomla telepítésében még aktív egy vagy több elavult Virtuemart bővítmény. Távolítsa el vagy tiltsa le őket"
"Warning: In your Joomla setup You have an active or out of date expansion... Remove or prohibit them!"
Is there any chance,U will fix that?
I'm not able to find a working searcher for my site... :(
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_virtuemart'.DS.'fetchscript.php'))
i will also update it in the next version.
Uninstall and install corrected my error, thanks.
/modules/mod_vm _ajax_search/aj ax/index.php
(it requires the same fix as above).
The reason for this error is that VM2.0.16 now includes the virtuemart_pars er.php which was used to decide if VM1 or VM2 are being used.
Fatal error: Class 'JParameter' not found in mysait/modules/ mod_vm_ajax_sea rch/tmpl/defaul t.php on line 102
edit default.php
jimport('joomla.html.parameter'); // add string
if (!empty($res))
$params = new JParameter( $res );
it does not work on VM 2.0.18a on Joomla 2.5.8.
Message frontend: Attention: You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active, uninstall or disable them
No problem. It works fine!
Thankyou for this extension!
Thank you so much for this - it's awesome! I was wondering how to add these couple of things:
* short description
...and also how to change the URL that it uses to display the product when you select one? I'd like it to reload the category page with just that product if possible (I've got a kind of one page Virtuemart).
If not, which page in Virtuemart would I edit to change the look of the product page, when clicked?
Watto :)
I bought a template with the Ajax Search plugin integrated. The template is Joomla 2.5.8 with VM 2.0.14. I tried to do an update to VM 2.0.18 and now Im getting the error; "Attention: You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active, uninstall or disable them"
Turned everything off and turned it back on one by one until I found that the Ajax Search module is the problem. Can you help me with this please???
Attention: You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active, uninstall or disable them
Fatal error: Call to a member function _() on a non-object in /home/lowcost/p ublic_html/temp lates/theme336/ html/mod_vm_aja x_search/defaul t.php on line 199
How can I fix that?
Attention: You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active, uninstall or disable them
for ajax search. I will check the installer, but i fixed this a long time ago.
The virtuemart file is not used by any part of Virtuemart, includes a fatal error and there is no reason to have it.
I'm really impressed ! Problem solved !
WOW and THX !!
How can I manage that?
However, when I click search button, those results dont appear. Only those products having the search term in its name appear on the search result page.
I turned on error log and I get the following error: Fatal error: Class 'JParameter' not found in /home/p11797/do mains/xxxxx/pub lic_html/xxxxx/ templates/theme 335/html/mod_vm _ajax_search/de fault.php on line 103
Disabling the AJAX module makes all errors go away, so it is definately related. But offcourse I don't want to disable it, so please help!
when u fix it?
Thank u
? it should be all compatible with vm2.0.18a as you can see at our demo at vm2onj25.rupost el.com
Marco, are you using joomla 1.5? We haven't actually tested the ajax module for joomla 1.5 + vm2. We can check this later on.
Any help?
Thanks a lot for your great work!
What can we do about this? The search function is really important to our site!
Just uninstall it and use another search module. This one have many Many bugs without support
I just tested the installation on Joomla 2.5 + Virtuemart 2.0.18a and it works all well.
Currently the version for Virtuemart 2 is not compatible with other joomla then 2.5.
Please download the proper version.
Best Regards,
virtuemart_pars er.php did the job
Thank you mate. No way to find it alone
I did some investigation and apparently the link generated for the product name doesn't have a category Id.
I can't figure out how to get the category Id from a product in the file ajax/index.php.
If you just tell us how to access to the related category id it will work for URL rewriting.
search url: [censored]://vm2onj25.rupostel.com/nice-saw-detail
real url: [censored]://vm2onj25.rupostel.com/handtools/nice-saw-detail
category not display!
because the in file: modules/mod_vm_ ajax_search/aja x/index.php error!
$dbdt = JFactory::getDBO();
$dbdt->setQuery('SELECT virtuemart_cate gory_id FROM #__virtuemart_p roduct_categori es WHERE virtuemart_prod uct_id = '.$row['product _id']);
$dt_cat_id = $dbdt->loadResult();
$href = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_prod uct_id='.$row['product_id'].'&virtuemart_cate gory_id='.$dt_cat_id);
the query will select the first one (randomly) even when the category is unpublished. in our sef cusom extensions we usually chose to display top category of the category in which the product is located if not a special category such as deals or similar.
i recommend that you get a commercial sef extension which would show the product url always the same regadless of it's defined underlying category.
incorrectly :)
rel="canonical" - [censored]://vm2onj25.rupostel.com/handtools/nice-saw-detail
incorrectly :)
je suis sous VM2.0.14 +JML2.5 j'ai fait la mise a jour pour VM2.0.20 et la message d'erreur "Attention: Vous avez encore de vieilles extensions vm dans votre installation joomla actif, désinstaller ou désactiver les" comment je peux faire.
how is it possible to search throu custom fields?
Thanks for your answer but now i have a new problem, my pictures are biggers and my (panier) cart is an opposite side.
Do you have an answer?
there i configured die custom field group "details"
under the group there are several fields witch i would like to search throu
sorry for my english
J'i vraiment un gros soucis, j'ai bien supprimé virtuemart parser.php, et c'est ok mais mes images et mon panier ne sont plus conforme.
Avez vous déjà eu cela, je passe en VM 2.0.20
Merci d'avance
Any ideas where to look to figure out what is wrong or conflicting? We uninstalled and reinstalled your latest version, but still no good. If I turn on a different ajax search (RokAjax), that has the drop-down effect that works, but we do not like that module as well as yours.
Is there some other thing we need to do to create the search cache or pictures for your module? Like I said, it worked with the sample data loaded, but once we deleted those items and cleared the Joomla cache, now your search module does not do the drop down effect.
Any way we can figure out how to get yours working again? Thanks.
instead of
It happen for all languages on site.
I dont have any SEF components. Only original com_redirect.
PHP error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class VmImage in .../administrat or/components/c om_virtuemart/h elpers/image.ph p on line 18
pls. help.
This is the path the images are in: /images/stories/virtuemart/product/resized
where can I change this path? thank you!
Please, the answer to me.
Due to the fact that you did not specify that it is not multi-lingual, and are willing to be responsible only for 50 euros, I lost a lot of time to solve the problem from the wrong reference. And as soon as I solved the problem, a new I switched languages and there is an error in the Ajax response. Asli no Saporta, indicates that your unit does not support multilingual. A module is nice, but now will have to be abandoned.
The module doesn't give any "live results" anymore during the typing. Only when I hit enter (but that makes it a regular search module :-( )
Any tips?
Joomla 2.5.11/Virtuema rt 2.0.20b
Why is this?
How do I change the "search in shop" text in the search field?
It is a standard language file entry. In joomla goto extensions, language manager.
Click the overrides tab, Click new, in the search at the left search for "search in shop" with "value" radial button selected. Then you can edit to what you like.
In english language all works, included module and language, but if i switch in Italian language i have a blank page.
Any solution for falang? Thanks
this is very important for all, because of us need to know what people want, or try to search in our website, right ?
best regards
If I get it right, the mod is returning /components/com _virtuemart/sho p_image/product but my thumbs are generated elsewhere in /images/thumb_3 0x30, which implies grey boxes instead of images thumbs. I, please, need your help on this one... thanks. and useful mod
One of the reasons why it may not work for you is the Joomla's FTP layer which is not implemented by the module. It uses php's functions to save the thumbs.
Let us know if the thumbs are indeed generated in the directory or not.
Best Regards,
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class VmImage in C:\Ampps\www\Cl oud\administrat or\components\c om_virtuemart\h elpers\image.ph p on line 191
idea on the question of Andi_A ?
Any news on this subject ? Interested as well ;)
This module is fantastic, but i can't to use under SSL mode(in cart, in account manteinance,... ). In non SSL mode works 100%.
Can you help me?
Did you solved this problem ?
Since June 2016 we distribute Ajax Search Pro only as part of OPC (can be installed from OPC extensions tab)
best regards, stan
Is there a Feature, which can write the keywords of customers in logfile/datatab le, for using statistic result view.
Table 'db1143687-cccd ej3vm3.#__com_r upsearch_stats' doesn't exist SQL=select * from #__com_rupsearc h_stats order by `count` desc limit 0,500
module and com_rupsearch should be at about similar version for them to work.
let us know at email if you need help for this system. we had extended the search very intensively in last few months.
I wondered how I can change the wide of RuposTel VM Ajax Search Pro input field?
Unfortunately, the config page in Joomla Admin of RuposTel VM Ajax Search Pro looks very different to the example above.
Whatever I put in within the new admin page, there's no change of the size of the input field.
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