Dear friends, we are glad to announce a modificaton of the default Joomla's authentication plugin. Our modified version checks if the username OR the email matches the password entered in any of your login modules. You may now login either with your email or with your username. This plugin is compatible with both Joomla 1.5.x and Joomla 2.5.x and installs with the standard Joomla installer.
Update Oct. 24, 2013: Fixed a fatal error on Joomla 1.5 when wrong password is entered
Update Mar.18, 2014: Updated compatibility for Joomla 2.5.18 and later. Your users may not be able to log in unless you update this plugin to the latest version due to Joomla 2.5 core update.
Developer information:
The plugin checks first for username as entered via any login form and compares the password matched. If a match is found, the plugin returns a sucess code. If the match is not found, the plugin searches email column in #__users (instead of the username column) for entered username and if a match is found, then a user object with stored username (from DB) and entered email is used. The plugin checks for the Joomla version within it's code to determine compatibility for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5.
Download link here:
How to install
1. Install with Joomla installer
- and make sure that your tmp path is properly configured within your configuration.php
- your /plugins/authentication is writable by your Joomla installer
- Joomla 2.5 version may require write permissions into your en-GB language files, but the plugin is language independent
2. Proceed to your Extensions -> Plugin manager
3. Search for "email" specifically Authentication - Email or Username
4. Enable the plugin
5. Check your other authentication plugins (select type authentication in right upper section of the plugins management)
6. Disable all except "Authentication - Email or Username"
7. Please make sure that you do have at least one authentication plugin enabled, otherwise you will need to visit your phpMyAdmin:
7.1 In case of a trouble - Note for Joomla 2.5:
lookup a table #__extensions, search for "plg_authentication_joomla" of type "plugin" and column "enabled" should say "1"
7.2 In case of a trouble - Note for Joomla 1.5:
lookup a table #__plugins where name should say "Authentication - Joomla", element "joomla", folder "authentication" and make sure column published says "1"
This extension does not require One Page Checkout or Virtuemart installed. It does not contain any backlinks or any other type of marketing code. This extension was made for our customers to provide a better compatiblity support with "Email as username" feature of OPC.
I did everything you said in the guide, but I still cant login using my email. Can you help me please?
best regards, stan
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