Hello friends, the classic star raging on Virtuemart which can be used with our Product tabs plugin does not look ideally on most of the modern VM3 and Joomla templates. For this reason we remade the VM3 core template to use font owesome classes with a little help of a starr library coming from here.
How to log all remote calls from PHP
How to log all DNS calls from PHP
It becomes larger and larger problem to control remote calls from applications like Joomla or Wordpress. This guide will show you how to log all remote calls which use DNS resolver into Bind9 log files without damaging performance of your server generally. This guide is intended for system administrators and we had done this on Ubuntu 12.04.
Blocking Joomla Brute Force Login Attacks with Fail2Ban on Ubuntu Server
This guide is intended for server administrators with lot's of Joomla sites installed. This guide will explain how to block IP address which try to do a brute force attacks on Joomla sites. This guide is written for Ubuntu 12.04 (or above).
Virtuemart for Joomla 3
Dear friends,
the official download section for Virtuemart 3 is available here: Virtuemart download section
One Page Checkout for Virtuemart is now fully compatible with Virtuemart 3. You can check our development demo here: http://vm2.rupostel.com/purity (it has always the latest Joomla 3.x and Virtuemart 3 )
Virtuemart does not show Ajax popup when adding a product
Dear friends, we suggested a code change to vmprices.js that handle your ajax requests for adding the products into your cart. The patch towards the latest VM2.0.22e is published here and whole javascript file can be downloaded here. This patch do not depend on any of our extensions and are made for you to have more stable version of virtuemart.
How to add Uploads to your Joomla Contact Form
Dear frieds, we recently came around a request to add uploads to Joomla 3.1 forms and we would like to share our code with you here.
Remove special characters from input field
This is a small script I wrote for a customer of mine and I would like to share it with y'all. It changes UTF-8 charcters such as č, ľ, ť to their counter parts like c, l, t
Payment fees and discounts are not shown correctly
This modification fixes bug when you see different Totals generated from ro_basket.php (read - only basket used at many places of VirtueMart, checkout.index, checkout.confirm). In user order total the payment fees and discounts are calculated by percent of order Total including VAT. If you want both to show correct percentual discount or fee (without VAT) you have to modify your ro_basket.php in /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/ro_basket.php
We fixed it this way:
Search for $payment_discount = $ps_checkout->get_payment_discount(.... in your ro_basket.php in html folder and remove second parameter $total so it says only:
$payment_discount = $ps_checkout->get_payment_discount($payment_method_id);
The problem is that $total is incl. VAT and it should not be. There should be subtotal there.
How to preselect VAT in product form in VirtueMart
We are very glad to run our own servers, so we can use Midnight Commander in Putty over SSH console and search all the files in matter of couple seconds. How do we debug VirtueMart? We have FireBug installed in Mozzila and if any form doesn't seem to show what we would like, we search all VirtueMart for css class of the element. And than search for appropriate functions and classes.
To the point of this article:
Modify your ps_tax.php in /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_tax.php, search for function list_tax_value( ... and right after $db = new ps_DB( ); around line 235 and insert following line if your tax ID is 3.
if (!isset($selected_value_id)) $selected_value_id = 3;
How to get your Tax Id? It is shown in product form when adding products in VAT listbox as "3 (19 %)" where 3 is the ID.
This will show your default VAT for every form which gives you the option. We know, this is not a nice hack but works.
Speeding up Virtuemart
One of the common problems with VirtueMart is it's speed. Here we provide advices how you can make your site with 5 thousand products and more to load from 50 to 500 milliseconds (from localhost) depending on actual hardware configration of your server.
Firstly it will work only if you don't have any legacy mode plugins in your Joomla installation. The problem with legacy mode plugins is that they don't support caching top speed caching. Therefore, if you see that all of your plugins are compatible you can disable Lagacy mode in Joomla. How to find out if everything is compatible? Go to Extensions - Install/Uninstall - Components and you will see column Compatiblity. If all your components are checked, than everything is all right.