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OPC Affiliate Tracking Feature for Virtuemart 3

Since OPC2 for Virtuemart 2 version 2.0.211 we had added a sophisticated order tracking feature which will notify your advertisement providers per specific order status set at the configuration. 


The new feature is available under the tracking section at OPC configuration page: 

Tracking intro

In OPC 2.0.244 we already added support for tracking of these affiliates: 

  • Google Analytics Ecommerce tracking
  • Google Adwords Tracking code
  • Criteo
  • Webgains

Adding new tracking code according a new API has never been easier with OPC and we can add it for you for no additional price. 

The tracking code is located in: 

/components/com_onepage/trackers/php/{tracking_name}.php and {tracking_name}.xml which is used for it's configuration. 

Each tracking code has it's own configuraiton which is saved in the database and looks like this: 

Adwords config



The tracking code is executed at the first visit (impression) of your customer of ANY PAGE on your site when the order status reaches the configured status. If the customer does not necessaryly reaches your site after the payment, the code is executed later (up to 1 month) when he returns to your site. This feature uses browser cookie to recognize your customer and the code is executed in a queue, which means that if the previous code was not executed (or ended up with an error), and the customer enters your site, there may be more than one group of codes executed at once. 

It is very important that your javascripts do not show any errors, otherwise the groups of code will pile up as OPC will not be able to mark the code as executed. Every section of the code is wrapped by an OPC notification script which automatically marks start of the loading of the code and the end of the loading of the code. 


Future thoughts: 

- add an OPC notification code as an image for non-javascript notifications

- better management of the error queue -> when your site constantly gives javascript errors, disable the tracking plugin and notify the administator


Let us know your ideas, and experience with our extension. Pls use our forum to do so. 

Best Regards, 

Stan Scholtz and team






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