We have added new options for shipping when using UPS, USPS or Fedex shipping. We added loader image, so customer knows that shipping is being updated and we added an option for customer to click on a link to reload shipping options for a selected address (OPC1). Shipping can be automatically loaded on leaving the last shipping field (OPC1). This feature is usefull only when using a shipping method which does calls to a remote server and in combination of SSL it can become slow or timed out. In OPC2 this feature is used to load shipping after the checkout page loads purely with javascript so it does not slow down the page load when those API based shipping methods are used.
[OPC1] Recently (since 1.2.264)
Standard shipping methods are loaded automatically on address change and there is no need to use this feature.
[OPC2]: In One Page Checkout for Virtuemart 2 this feature will load the shipping methods only via ajax which makes the page loading much faster. We also recommend to disable automatic shipment selection in Virtuemart 2 configuration so the API shipping methods (UPS, USPS, FedEx) are not loaded by main application thread, but rather asynchonously.
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