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Screen Shots - One Page Checkout Joomla Interface

Checkout screenshots from various customers of ours

Latest backend screenshots translated into your language are available here

Latest Screen Shots of One Page Checkout for Virtuemart 3 (Dec 2015, version 2.0.303)

One Page Checkout and Registration Configuration

Order and customer tracking configuration

Order management interface 

Order and Invoice Numbering system

OPC Theme color and CSS editor

Order Export Configuration (Excell and Libreoffice document setup)

Product Feed Configuration (for Google Merchant, Heureka, Beslist ... )

Other Joomla and Virtuemart Utilities included in OPC backend



Backend Languages included: 

English, Spanish, Slovak/Czech


0 #1 Jesús García 2011-08-10 13:48
My English is not very good.
I am interested in the product but I have a couple of questions.
1 - Installation is easy and there is a reference manual.?
2 - Support the Spanish language?
3 - Virtuemar can be updated without being affected checkout?

Thank you very much.

Google Translate.

--- Mensaje Original ---


Estoy interesado en el producto pero tengo un par de dudas.
1- La instalación es fácil o hay un manual de referencia.?
2- Soporta el idioma español?
3- Virtuemar se podrá actualizar sin que el checkout quede afectado?

Muchas gracias.
+4 #2 stAn 2011-09-27 13:17
frontend supports any language installed in your Joomla and Virtuemart. Backend configurator in administration is only in English at the moment.
-1 #3 RODOLFO 2012-04-20 22:02
Cordial saludo. yo pued ayudarte con la traduccion de esta extension a el idioma español. Soy un estudioso de JOOMLA y conozco como hacerlo. solo dime si aun lo necesitas y te interesa. Mi email , de Colombia-Cartag ena, mi movil 57-3106002625
-1 #4 Alex Revo 2013-04-04 16:27
You can develop this modification for Virtuemart 1.0.x?
-3 #5 admin 2014-01-13 18:18
Hello, it would be very expensive to backport it down to VM1.0.x. Are you also running Joomla 1.0?
0 #6 admin 2014-01-13 18:20
Installation is very simple - just install with Joomla installer and click save within the configuration.

The frontend uses your Virtuemart language variables and the backend of OPC2 now speaks spanish.
0 #7 luciana 2014-02-08 03:33
That is Able to portuguese (brazil)?
I have a couple componets like payment and post service. It will be working fine?

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