Since OPC 2.0.197 we had included a further support for add-to-cart as link functionality which now supports auto coupon that can be processed either by Virtuemart or your 3rd party extension such as AWO Coupons and also a special article above the basket that will be shown when using this feature. This feature is intended for those who do the marketing campaings over emails and would like to provide a direct link to the cart (with a product or a set of products) with coupon code that will be automatically applied for such links from the email and also additional information for the customer above the basket.
This is how to configure the feature:
Step 1: Select which products you want to create the link for:
At the right side of your Virtuemart -> Products -> Products you will see the ID of your products at the very right column. Let's say we want to create an add-to-cart link for two products of ID 4 of quantity 2 and ID 3 of quantity one.
The link for these products would look like this (including our demo site link)
as described at our add-to-cart tutorial here
Make sure that the feature add-to-cart is enabled within OPC configuration:
In OPC2.0.197 we added these new features:
Enable auto coupons for OPC add-to-cart as link which is set to freeship coupon code as at the above image.
Joomla article above basket for add-to-cart as link which is set to Joomla's demo Beginners article
Any product added into cart with this functionality will automatically process the coupon code entered in OPC configuration and display the selected article.
We closely cooperate with Awo to resolve any compatibility issues that can be caused by using both awo coupons and OPC. OPC supports all types of AWO coupons, for example the free shipping coupon: