All of the software provided on this site si licensed under GPLv3. It is not limited in matters of functionality per time period, or number of domains for which it is used. On the other hand we will welcome if you could support us by purchasing subscription for our extensions so we can continuously develop, maintain and update it with new features, bug fixes and new themes.
100% Open Source
We believe in Open Source community and therefore you will receive source code for all of our extensions that you purchase the subscription for. You are free to modify the source code to what ever extent you need and provide it to your clients.
The full GPLv3 lincene below:
General Terms of Service
RuposTel s.r.o.
Sídl. Rimava 36/1069
979 01 Rimavská Sobota,
Slovak Republic
European Union
Company ident. number: 366 44 251
EU Tax Identification: SK2022104216 (applicable only for EU non-Slovak entities)
Digital products and services provided hereby are provided according to European Union legislation:
Products and services
Digital products and services provided by our retail sites at and
Purchase contract is established when your order and payment is confirmed by our system. Date of delivery of our products and services is the date of payment.
Order Cancelation
Orders with canelled or unsucessfull payment are automatically considered to be cancelled.
Cancelation of purchase contract
According to synchronized EU legislation a shopper is eligible to cancel purchasing contract in 7 days after delivery of goods. Our company does not sell any non-digital goods and therefore we have different rules for cancellation and return policy. We provide solely digital products and services.
Delivery of digital products
Vendor hereby guarantees access to digital files in maximum of 24h after payment is credited to vendor's account. If a shoppers used IBAN as payment method, we also require shoppers to give us a short note of money being credited by email.
Form of Delivery
A shopper with confirmed payment will receive a download ID which can be used in vendor's download section accessible from the front page of By entering the download ID a shopper will receive the latest compilation of the purchased digital product. The use of download ID is limited to 100 instances by system.
A shopper can also log in to our retail site at and download the latest or previous versions without use of download ID. This way, the system does not limit a shopper in number of downloads, but requires a login prior download.
The access to downloads is limited in time according to digital products specification at date of purchase.
Shipping costs
Vendor reserves a right to charge 10% of order total or maximum of 10 euro for administration fee if a shopper requires a printed form of an invoice or any other document to be sent by postal mail.
Warranty and refund policy
We provide full refunds in case our software malfunctions on your site in maximum of 14 days after purchase. We reserve a right to fix it in 1h by a provided access to FTP and system's backend. If you purchased advanced services or a more expensive version of the digital product, we provide 100% satisfaction or 100% refund policy. We don't issue refunds in no time without a prior email communication. You may ask for refunds or support services via our forum or by email at
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Limited Liability
We don't take any responsibility or liability for any action or damages caused by our sofware as it is provided as Open Sourced with no encryption at all and we provide continuous support to fix any found issues. It is up to your own testing to report any underlying issues.
Personal data handling
A shopper is required due to accounting requirements to provide a minimum set of data for invoice to be properly issued. We require VAT ID if the shopper is EU registered company and VAT payee. These data are saved in our database, will in no time be provided to a 3rd party. By confirming an order you agree that we handle your data according to EU legislation especially428/2002 Z. z.Slovak law. You may ask vendor to delete a shopper's personnal data at any time.
By confirming an order a shopper understands and accept these Terms of Service. A shopper understands that any law disputes will be handled according to Vendor's country's legislation.
Subject to VAT for all of our digital products and services:
All of the purchases on our site are considered as one time subscription of the software updates (a service), not the software itself. We provide 1 year subscription for One Page Checkout and associated extensions during which you have a right for the software updates (including bug fixes, new themes, new functionality and features) that can be downloaded at our download section or ask for a support per single domain.
According Article 196 Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 as amended by Council Directive 2006/138/EC, person liable for tax payment is person, to whom services are supplied.