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Swedish Certitrade Payment Plugin for Virtuemart

Dear friends, 

 we've updated 1solution VM1.1.x plugin for Certitrade card processor plugin which does not require any sort of core virtuemart modifications and fixes any bugs found in the original 1solution plugin. This plugin works well with and without One Page Checkout for Virtuemart. 


Download here

How to install: 

1. Unpack to your Joomla root 

2. Create a plugin with VM1.1.x associated with "ps_certitrade" class

3. Click save

4. Make sure that payment's extra info loaded properly

5. Test with developer credentials (included)

credit card num:  1234567890123
ccv: 123
month: 12
year: 12 (you'll need to check certitrade new test credit card number after 2012)

If you need support, please purchase additional services in amout at least 50 euro here.

Best Regards,

Stan Scholtz and Team 


Purchase support: 

Unified subscription

This extension can be purchased with our unified Subscription of RuposTel One Page Checkout


How to download and install

1. After purchase visit our Download section

2. Download One Page Checkout installer for Virtuemart 3

3. Install with Joomla installer (note: One Page Checkout itself is disabled by default)

4. At OPC Extensions tab click Install/Upgrade your purchased extension

5. Ask for support via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if needed


-1 #1 raj 2013-04-18 10:27

How to add new payment method for HPS like paypal, Pay_zen in virtuemart, joomla.

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