

Virtuemart Extensions by

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Supported 3rd Party Extensions

Supported 3rd Party Extensions

in One Page Checkout for Virtuemart 2.x

We provide full support for cross compatiblity issues with AWO coupons and iDeal payment methods. Under OPC2 we support all known payment, shipping and custom field plugins  and we provide free support for any cross compatibility issues with them as far as they work under your normal VM checkout.  Multi shipment methods which generate more than one option per plugin such as UPS, Fedex, Fedex MultiBox, USPS, and similar are supported with a custom code within OPC that is already included.  If you are running a 3rd party multi shipping method, we may need to create a patch for it which we do under standard support without any additional costs.  All shipping method generating only one option per plugin are fully working and usually do not require any support. We've also implemented custom code to support Klarna with auto-fill address for Swedish customers.  It is known that OPCs themes work under twitter bootstrap theme, yagendoo and other popular themes.  We provide free support in case of yagendoo as it is the most popular theme of our customers. 

Common issues with 3rd party extensions

Awo Coupons - OPC uses both -anonymous- and -default- shopper groups to load it's payment, shipping and calculation plugins. You should consider reviewing your coupon configuration as it is not possible to limit coupon per one use per customer when a customer is not logged in. If you'd like to limit this, you must ask your customers to log in prior checkout. 

Virtuemart Email Manager - The most common issue is also related to shopper groups as you should test under which shopper group are the emails sent. The Vmee (Jan 2013) uses a VM's core modification of shopfunctionsf.php which gets deleted after a VM update. There are no known issues of cross compatiblity of OPC and VMee other then a proper set up of VMee's filters. 

Yt Plugin (and other javascript minimization plugins) - It is extremely important that you disable javascript minimalization plugins for checkout or at least check all javascript errors on your checkout page as they can lead to checkout malfunction. You can use F12 key in Google Chrome to see the console or ctrl+shift+J to see it under Firefox.  The reason for this is that OPC needs to send a dynamically created variables into it's javascript engine and any sort of caching or minimalization usually leads to issues. 

SEF plugins - many SEO/SEF plugins ignore common url parameters such as format=raw or nosef=1 and similar. It is very important that you disable SEF at all for all com_onepage URLs, otherwise a simple ajax call can redirect your customers to a blank page with serialized data.  Please use "do not SEF" for com_onepage in your favorite SEF plugin. We normally test under AceSEF, sh404 and Artio SEF.  

in One Page Checkout (for VM 1.1.x)

If your VirtueMart installation uses any of these hack, we have already made our component compatible with it and there should not be any further editing of components files.

Payment Modules

Virtuemart UK Credit Card Payment Module

PayPal Pro US

MultiSafePay (NL) fully supported since version 1.2.240.

PaySon and other Swedish Payment modules from

Greek payment module: ps_gpp

PayPal New Api is working, but is not recommended outside US (due to tax and rounding issues of VM)
we recommend a commercial PayPal Pro modules, which work well with OnePage Checkout.

One Page Checkout supports 4 different iDeal solutions (NL) that we came around including ccIdeal, Payson (SE) and other extensions such as vmUpload, vmBonus and much more. Support for 3rd party compatibility issues regarding payment methods and shipping methods is done for no additional charge. Our component has many features to support digital products, gift certificates and solves many issues related to shipping when using these combinations of products with tangible products. We also support API based shipping methods with options to load them delayed, filtered, on request, with a default address, with a loader image, per payment and much more.

For these extensions we provide full support for cross compatibility issues

Coupon Systems

AWO coupons paid version is not fully supported yet, free version should work well (if any  problems with AWO, we grant free support for our component to make it compatible)

Fully compatible with:  DISCOUNTS OVER TOTAL - DOT v.1.0.3' for Virtuemart 1.1 

Shipping Modules

UPSv2 (for US customers) -> also has a modification in order management to track the orders

We are working on standard virtuemart's UPS module which is compatible with OPC, but we would be glad if somebody could provide us a test account for UPS to do further testing especially if order is eligible for more then one package.

Login Modules

Email as Username

Our component supports many more extensions not listed here. We've implemented our checkout system to more than 500 customers.

Virtuemart Email Manager

For Virtuemart email manager you should check the first checkbox at the Email tab of OPC1, so it uses your legacy email function in your VM installation. 

Developer info

ps_onepage (main class for one page checkout) uses modified version of :

- ps_user_address::add (save_shipto)
- ps_shopper::add (shopper_add)
- ps_shopper:validate_add (validate_add)
- ps_checkout:add (addOrder)
- ps_shopper::register_save (register_save)
- ps_checkout::validate_form (validate_form)

If you have modifications (hacks) in any of above functions, we will need to merge your modifications with our component.

- ps_checkout::email_receipt (which uses fixed shopper email address and data from different table then original)
- ps_order::update_order_status(.. If you want to send confirmation email to customers only after sucessfull payment

Thank you page is replaced by checkout.onepage which includes original checkout.thankyou page.

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