

Virtuemart Extensions by

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Free shipping to only one country

This extension was created to filter free shipping only to one country selected by shop administrator. Recently we also created an extended version of this extension to filter free shipping. (since 1.2.264)

Free shipping will not show for any of these parameters when configured:

- if the country is not in the list
- if a product is larger than x units
- if a product is heavier then x units

You can also set an order total amount which will turn off this extension.

Important note: In OPC2 most of the free shipping features are now handled by Virtuemart 2 plugin management. 



Free shipping as an option

This feature will style the free shipping if available as a normal shipping method - either in drop down select or as a radio selection. 

Show other shipping methods

This option together with the above Free shipping as an option will show other shipping methods, so you can both provide an option for free shipping and an extra next day delivery which might be more expensive. 

By default OPC select the cheapest but not free shipping option. With this option the free shipping will be selected by default. 

Zero Weight Free Shipping

This option will show free shipping for all digital products, awo gift certificates or products with 0 weight. We are working on adding this feature to OPC2 which should be finished by the end of May 2012. In OPC2 this feature might also disable Ship To section. 

OPC Extensions (included in the latest builds of OPC1)

Free Shipping Only for One Country

Will not allow virtuemart's free shipping if any other country is selected then configured by this extension. (see image)

Free Shipping per Weight and Dimensions

If dimenstions or weight of a product are larger then set up by this extension, the free shipping will not be available. This extension also includes filter for free shipping per countries where you can set up more then one country.  (see image)


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