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Error with AWOCOUPON and One Page

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:38 pm
Hello everyone!

After attempt to install plugin for automated shipping cost evaluation from third-part developer,
the error had occured.

- Error is appear in checkout screeen only for logged on users.
- Rough translation of error text is: "No record, not published or expired."
- This error message posted by OnePage Checkout component, I found it in onepage.js
- Text of this messege is taken from COM_AWOCOUPON_CFG_COUPERR_NO_RECORD field.
- If the correct coupon is applied, error has not occured.

In firefox dev tools it's look like:

msgs: Object { e666c03956c7d8aaba786bdc88d7da51: "ERROR TEXT HERE", length: 1}

JSONs objects whtich contains the error, have a cmd:get_shipping and cmd:runpay

As i understand it, Onepage chechout is looking for record/field/etc. in SQL tables.
How can I find what record is missing?

Or may be I'm wrong and the source of error in anything else?

I don't have automatic coupon setup. But for every newly registered user i automatically assign coupon with 5% discount.
I'm using Onepage checkout 2.0.387.040719, AwoCoupon and Joomla 3.9.14
I'm afraid to upgrade, because site have a lot (300+) third-paty scripts and mods.

Re: Error with AWOCOUPON and One Page

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:08 pm
by admin
hello, you might want to create a language override of

as i guess this is what needs to be displayed to customer when he enters wrong coupon code.

Generally for OPC vs Awo compatibility a correct matrix of about-same time versions should be used. So if you update VM then both Awo and OPC should be updated as well to keep forward-compatiblity. I cannot really advise you on this one as i didn't find the keyword (COM_AWOCOUPON_CFG_COUPERR_NO_RECORD ) within any of the latest OPC or Awo code that i am working with.

Also see Awo config - they have an editor per an error, so maybe it's there. Also pls see if this message is shown to admins only or if it's shown to any logged in user.

If you are using one time coupons per customer, there had been a few issues with them a few years ago and i can only advise to update opc vs awo there.

best regards, stan