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Show product_sku in shopping Cart

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:07 pm
by parfumylacno

Please is there any possibility to show product_sku in shopping Cart? it is hard to explain why (marketing and tracking reasons = other logical solutions does not work for us, so we have to do it how we can..)

Thank you

Re: Show product_sku in shopping Cart

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:12 pm
by admin
hello, the OPC themes can be selected at the display tab and they are located in /components/com_onepage/themes/{your selected theme at the display tab}

you can choose a one that shows the SKU within the cart or you can move the SKU section from a theme which already shows it.

the basket rendering is done in /components/com_onepage/themes/{your selected theme}/overrides/basket.html.php

best regards, stan