for VM 3.2.14 you may want to adjust:
fine this code:
- Code: Select all
* This function actually creates the thumb
* and when it is instanciated with one of the getImage function automatically updates the db
* @author Max Milbers
* @param boolean $save Execute update function
* @return name of the thumbnail
public function createThumb($width=0,$height=0) {
vmError('Couldnt create thumb, no directory given. Activate vmdebug to understand which database entry is creating this error');
vmdebug('createThumb, no directory given',$this);
return FALSE;
vmError('Couldnt create thumb, no name given. Activate vmdebug to understand which database entry is creating this error');
vmdebug('createThumb, no name given',$this);
return false;
$synchronise = vRequest::getString('synchronise',false);
if(!VmConfig::get('img_resize_enable') || $synchronise) return;
//now lets create the thumbnail, saving is done in this function
$dim = self::determineWH($width, $height);
$width = $dim['width'];
$height = $dim['height'];
// Don't allow sizes beyond 2000 pixels //I dont think that this is good, should be config
// $width = min($width, 2000);
// $height = min($height, 2000);
$maxsize = false;
$bgred = 255;
$bggreen = 255;
$bgblue = 255;
$root = '';
$this->file_name_thumb = $this->createThumbName($width,$height);
$rel_path = str_replace('/',DS,$this->file_url_folder);
$fullSizeFilenamePath = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.$rel_path.$this->file_name.'.'.$this->file_extension;
} else {
$fullSizeFilenamePath = $this->file_url_folder.$this->file_name.'.'.$this->file_extension;
$file_path_thumb = str_replace('/',DS,$this->file_url_folder_thumb);
$resizedFilenamePath = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.$file_path_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension;
if (file_exists($fullSizeFilenamePath)) {
if (!class_exists('Img2Thumb')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'helpers'.DS.'img2thumb.php');
$createdImage = new Img2Thumb($fullSizeFilenamePath, (int)$width, (int)$height, $resizedFilenamePath, $maxsize, $bgred, $bggreen, $bgblue);
return $this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
vmError('Couldnt create thumb, file not found '.$fullSizeFilenamePath);
return 0;
and replace with:
- Code: Select all
* This function actually creates the thumb
* and when it is instanciated with one of the getImage function automatically updates the db
* @author Max Milbers
* @param boolean $save Execute update function
* @return name of the thumbnail
public function createThumb($width=0,$height=0) {
vmError('Couldnt create thumb, no directory given. Activate vmdebug to understand which database entry is creating this error');
vmdebug('createThumb, no directory given',$this);
return FALSE;
vmError('Couldnt create thumb, no name given. Activate vmdebug to understand which database entry is creating this error');
vmdebug('createThumb, no name given',$this);
return false;
$synchronise = vRequest::getString('synchronise',false);
if(!VmConfig::get('img_resize_enable') || $synchronise) return;
//now lets create the thumbnail, saving is done in this function
$dim = self::determineWH($width, $height);
$width = $dim['width'];
$height = $dim['height'];
// Don't allow sizes beyond 2000 pixels //I dont think that this is good, should be config
// $width = min($width, 2000);
// $height = min($height, 2000);
$maxsize = false;
$bgred = 255;
$bggreen = 255;
$bgblue = 255;
$root = '';
$this->file_name_thumb = $this->createThumbName($width,$height);
$rel_path = str_replace('/',DS,$this->file_url_folder);
$fullSizeFilenamePath = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.$rel_path.$this->file_name.'.'.$this->file_extension;
} else {
$fullSizeFilenamePath = $this->file_url_folder.$this->file_name.'.'.$this->file_extension;
$file_path_thumb = str_replace('/',DS,$this->file_url_folder_thumb);
$resizedFilenamePath = VMPATH_ROOT.DS.$file_path_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension;
if (file_exists($resizedFilenamePath)) {
return $this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension;
if (file_exists($fullSizeFilenamePath)) {
if (!class_exists('Img2Thumb')) require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'helpers'.DS.'img2thumb.php');
$createdImage = new Img2Thumb($fullSizeFilenamePath, (int)$width, (int)$height, $resizedFilenamePath, $maxsize, $bgred, $bggreen, $bgblue);
return $this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
vmError('Couldnt create thumb, file not found '.$fullSizeFilenamePath);
return 0;
new code added to the function above is:
- Code: Select all
if (file_exists($resizedFilenamePath)) {
return $this->file_url_folder_thumb.$this->file_name_thumb.'.'.$this->file_extension;
original issue was caused by this backtrace:
- Code: Select all
/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/img2thumb.php 96<br />
/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/image.php 192<br />
/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/mediahandler.php 531<br />
/templates/avant/html/com_virtuemart/category/default.php 248<br />
/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php 695<br />
/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmview.php 40<br />
/components/com_virtuemart/views/category/view.html.php 509<br />
/components/com_virtuemart/controllers/category.php 54<br />
/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php 710<br />
/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.php 126<br />
/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php 382<br />
/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php 357<br />
/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php 194<br />
/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php 233<br />
/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php 195<br />
/index.php 49<br />
i hope this helps, best regards, stan