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Antispam by CleanTalk

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 11:09 pm
by admin
OPC 318 (latest on 4.may 2017) is NOT compatible with CleanTalk as it seems that CleanTalk is not made for ajax powered sites and ecommerce.

you can use these alternatives if needed:
- joomla core re-captcha
- third party re-captcha's (support for them is usually provided individually if they don't trigger on standard joomla's captcha events)

- admin tools (do not block access to /cache directory with htaccess otherwise dynamically generated scripts or css won't be available and it can cause further problems)
- RS Firewall - recommended but not all of it's recommendations are suited for all hostings (if you run php-fpm in chroot you can ignore half of the security warnings)
- mod_security -> make sure you are not getting "payment required" error (this is caused when mod_security detects words "credit card" on your checkout)
- custom prepend scripts via php.ini - very strong firewall options could be achieved here

best regards, stan