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Better handling of add to cart (core vmprices.js)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:20 pm
by admin
Dear friends, as we had recently came around a problem that some requests made by standard virtuemart code get filtered by suhosin module of php we created a virtuemart patch that can hadle these security extensions with your hosting.

The patch introduces these changes:

1. It sends data to cart over POST not GET, so your customers will have more privacy as the product information will not be included in the URL

2. It uses pure AJAX raw format instead of the JSON response

3. It is able to parse malformatted JSON response resulting from notices or errors caused by php error reporting

4. It uses encoding that is compatible with suhosin and other core php modules that filter php execution when double encoded data are found

If you decide to use our vmprices.js, you can upload it to your /components/com_virtuemart/assets/js/vmprices.js

With google chrome, please check if you are getting any errors by pressing F12 key and proceed to console tab. The file was tested on a live site, latest svn of virtuemart (2.0.22e) and our demos with all types of products.

To download the source tested on vm2.0.22e SVN version, pls proceed to here: ... -a-product