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How to upgrade to jQuery 1.9

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:48 pm
by admin
Hello, if you are having issues like:
- calling .live on undefined
- calling .on on undefined

or others that show up in your google chrome javascript console (F12) at the console tab,

you may have a problem with jquery libraries:
- some part of your system loads jquery 1.6
- and the other part loads jquery 1.9

we have a solution that will make both code for jquery 1.6 and also jquery 1.9 run on your site:

1. enable google jquery + enable jquery inclusion within the virtuemart config
2. modify: \administrator\components\com_virtuemart\helpers\config.php

search for:

and replace with:
vmJsApi::js('jquery-migrate-1.2.1', '//');

i also updated the jquery ui library to:
vmJsApi::js ('jquery-ui', '//', '', TRUE);

this way you can run both jquery 1.6 and jquery 1.9 code at once. pls test if all works as expected including backend. keep an eye on your javascript console - only errors in red count.

check other browsers as well (usually IE is the worst)

OR modify your theme's index.php file in /templates/YOUR THEME/index.php

and add the above inclusions before joomla loads it's own headers.

Best Regards,