Registration OPC page - only BT\ST layout?

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Registration OPC page - only BT\ST layout?

Postby AhoyIT » Wed May 02, 2018 4:21 pm


When i select the OPC registration overide -

A. When menu is set to JOOMLA REGISTER, It by default displays the BT reg layout ... There is no VM reg menu item (Or in menu option can select ST layout)
B. Thus, both LOGIN & REGISTRATION look the same - It there a seperate layout option?
C. The BT\ST layout is set via CART and thus isn't a USER|PASS reg\login page ... Is there an alternative?
D. Mainly i'd like the registration to be w/o a PASS but only EMAIL\NAME or MOBILE (To simplify things) ... Can that be achived?
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Re: Registration OPC page - only BT\ST layout?

Postby admin » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:48 pm

hello, let me reply per your points:

A: joomla registration page via menu shows virtuemart "option=com_virtuemart&view=user" per either OPC's configuraration (redirect joomla registration to VM registration) or some other 3rd party plugin which does this. by default VM registration uses only BT and has links to create new ST if needed.

BUT if you are using "OPC's override" for the registation page, you will see OPC's design for registration, where you can set up (in OPC):
- silent registration (no password)
- disable "address name" field (so you don't have 4 name fields)
- disable last+middle names so you have only first name + rename it via language overrides (opc will automatically populate joomla's name field)

B: login can be disabled in OPC's "theme configuration" if available
or it can be just removed from the OPC template (/components/com_onepage/themes/YOUR OPC THEME/onepage.registration.tpl.php - which is mostly a copy of onepage.unlogged.tpl.php except the name of the submit button)
or in OPC config - related to both registration + checkout you can "do not show login" - enable the checkbox

C: ST can have it's own URL from within the menu, if you need this, let us know and we will create a separate guide for this

D: see above - as far as you use OPC's registration override, you an disable all core fields in OPC config and all non-core fields in VM itself

furthermore if you describe your address needs more maybe we can help with:
- in OPC you can try "single ST address" so that user can in no case store more then one ST address
- force ST address - so that user always must use a ST address
- another (third) address can be also enabled which can be used for "installation address" so you can have 3 addresses (invoicing address + shipto address + installation address)
- no ST address at all / or per service products (zero weight)

so all can be done, replies here can take much much longer than the actual work to set it up at your site.

best regards, stan
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