Unticking the Acymailing Newsletter Checkbox

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Unticking the Acymailing Newsletter Checkbox

Postby babybouquets » Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:25 am

Hello - I am working on a site https://baby-bouquets.co.uk/shopping-basket that has "Please send me news & exclusive offers" ticked on.
Due to the GDPR this should be not ticked on, but I can't find where to do this.

In the language string it's "COM_ONEPAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION" and it is the checkbox for AcyMailing subscription by the T&Cs at the bottom near the "Place Order" button.
I've looked in the Acy plugin, the VM customer fields & OPC config
Can you let me know how to do this,

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:15 am

Re: Unticking the Acymailing Newsletter Checkbox

Postby admin » Thu May 03, 2018 1:37 pm

hello, the state of the ticket "Enable AcyMailing checkbox" there is a drop down default status which you can set to "Not checked"

note that the state gets remembered upon session or is loaded from external systems (such as our mailchimp plugin) and if the user had agreed to this it's checked by default.

best regards, stan
Site Admin
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