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Language in the cart

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:03 pm
by jimpett81

I am using the joomla language switcher and for all pages except the cart it works fine. However; I am unsure how to configure it in the cart. It basically seems that you have a version of each article in each language but I am not sure if I can have multiple carts in this way?

Is there an easy way to translate my cart in to any given language?



Re: Language in the cart

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:50 pm
by admin
hello James, i suggest to try to reorder the plugins in joomla manager. See what ordering got the language swtich plugin and compare this to OPC system plugin. you can try to make sure that the language plugin got a lower ordering as the OPC. Please note that OPC's ordering gets saved upon OPC's backend configuration saving and there is a "OPC plugin ordering value" settings at the general tab. you can try to change this so it's larger then the language switch plugin.

Furthermore you should also check if your language files are at the proper places:

in VM3 some language files are only available via component overrides which may not work properly on joomla 2.5 so you may want to copy them from:
to your default joomla language location.

best regards, stan