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Awo coupons COPY/PASTE coupon does not work

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:04 pm
by admin
Hello Friends, we just discovered a possible issue with awo coupons which is not directly related to OPC but influences your checkout:

1. if you copy a formatted coupon code from an email or some site with ctrl + c, it also copies it's formatting and hidden elements
2. these elements may cause a strange behavriour in AWO thinking that it's a multicoupon
3. the multicoupons by awo seems to render X to remove the coupon, but they also change the internal value of the cart's object coupon (cart->couponCode) to a html rendered display
4. when the rendered coupon code is processed by OPC it does not pass validation and thus the order is saved without the coupon

to fix this issue with awo (when you see an RED X at your checkout left to the coupon code) you may want to modify:

Code: Select all
$this->vmcart->couponCode = $session_array['coupon_code'];

Code: Select all
$this->vmcart->couponCode = $session_array['coupon_code_db'];

best regards, stan