hello radek, the simplest solution is to create a "custom html module" and if using OPC the clear cart is available at this URL:
just enter this URL within the link, format the link so it looks like a button, or leave it as a link and once this is clicked the cart contents gets cleared.
if you wish to add this into OPC theme, this is how to do it:
1. install OPC Theme positions at the OPC Extensions
2. create the custom module with html like:
- Code: Select all
<p><a class="button btn btn-active" href="index.php?option=com_onepage&task=clearcart">Clear Cart</a></p>
3. associate the module to "opc_op_basket_under" + hide the title + publish
this will then show the module right under the cart on your there. if the position is not correct, you can try some other starting with "opc_" .
best regards, stan