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Ugh - many configuration issues

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:17 pm
My customer has many requests for customizations and I'm trying to read, do and learn this component fast!

Maybe you can give me a crash course on some issues:

1. Secure payment - eliminate drop down as we only have option - paypal
2. Uncheck by default the register an acccount

Re: Ugh - many configuration issues

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:04 pm
by admin
you can hide the payment section directly in the OPC template (both onepage.unlogged.tpl.php + onepage.logged.tpl.php) in /components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/onepage/ YOUR SELECTED THEME/

you can wrap it this way:
<div style="display: none;">
... payment section ...

As you have only one payment, it will always be selected.

To alter the checkbox on register accont (when optional registration is on) you can alter this file
/components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/onepage/ YOUR SELECTED THEME/list_user_fields.tpl.php

In general if you don't need creation of user accounts, you can change your registration like this
- joomla (you can disable registration), virtuemart (no registration)
- joomla (enable registration, no activation), virtuemart (silent registration) -> will automatically send a username+pwd to a customer on checkout where username is his email

With OPC the user still can shop as unlogged with the same email (in normal VM checkout he gets an error) and he does the checkout as unlogged. His data are paired within the database and he can check his order history only after a real loggin in. When the customer uses this feature a new shipping address is created on each order (duplicit email feature).

Best Regards,

Re: Ugh - many configuration issues

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:18 pm
In the general section, Log out shopper after purchase (from Joomla) is not working. I have no account creation for the virtuemart shopper because I already have a required login/section for distributors for special pricing. If I can get the billing/shipping info to logout after each purchase I will have satisfied the problem for now.

How does that feature work and is there a way to configure it. My customer is very concerned and waiting for this to be resolved.

Re: Ugh - many configuration issues

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:43 pm
by admin
Logout shopper after purchase means this within OPC
- the user is never logged into joomla when the registration type does not allow it or he uses a duplicit email, but he is logged in to virtuemart while the payment is processed. Therefore if the payment does a redirect and the thank you page does not load the full code he might still get stuck within virtuemart's login even when from the point of joomla he is unlogged

- in general this feature unsets all login data at the thank you page after the payment's extra info code.

This means that there are two different login systems here:
- one for virtuemart
- one for joomla

As due to compatiblity with 3rd party payment modules, the user must be logged in virtuemart while processing the order. If you'd like to alter this before any redirect takes place, you may want to delete $auth and $_SESSION['auth'] variable just before the redirect like this:

Code: Select all
global $auth;
$auth = array();
$_SESSION['auth'] = array();

Best Regards,

Re: Ugh - many configuration issues

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:01 pm
Stan what file does this change get made in?

Thank for your reply.

Re: Ugh - many configuration issues

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:11 pm
by admin
if the payement redirect is the issue, it is mostly done from the extra info section of the payment method's configuration. (the php code is evenutally saved to the database and is triggered from thank you page template by eval(...

Best Regards,

Re: Ugh - many configuration issues

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:36 pm
I have a few requests I hope you can answer for me.

My customer wants to remove the default "continue shopping" from the bottom but keep it on the top. It is duplicating on the top within the icetheme-thestore template. See attached screenshot

The next items they want changed are:

1. Change the text next to the text box for the shipping address to include “Click to add new” Shipping Address
2. Remove the secure payment section entirely as they are using paypal and don’t feel this is necessary.

I hope you can help me asap as they aren’t giving me much time to resolve these issues.

Thanks for your continued support

Sue Grady
IT Specialist
Connecting Point Computer Centers
815-223-0791 (Fax)