One Page Checkout supports any type of tax configuration and was implemented in North America and EU on many sites. It works well with tax rate based on vendor address or tax rate based on shipping address. We also added a special mode if all of your products and shipping is configured without tax, but you still want to add a tax rate to be shown on the checkout steps. Taxes are automatically generated on address change due to shipping change. This component also supports AWO Coupons and other coupon systems. If you encounter a problem with tax display we will fix it for you for no additional charge in both versions of OPC.
OPC2 Note: We've added support for US tax mode which disables taxes for all virtuemart's views (from opc plugin) and only shows them when the customer selects a proper state. Pls see our forum for latest updates on US tax type settings.
OPC1 - EU Tax Settings
When "Save shipping with tax in the database.." is used the Payment Fee, Shipping Fee, Subtotal are saved and sent by email to a customer including tax. If you decide to use this option, make sure you test all your payment plugins if they count the total correctly. OPC1 supports substraction of VAT TAX automatically when a proper EU VAT ID is inserted, but it is recommended to have the EU VAT field above the address as it is only updated over ajax when the address is set.
OPC1 - US Tax Settings
For US use, it is not recommended to use the above feature "Save shipping with tax..", but it is strongly recommended to turn on "[US] Don't choose vendor's state as default state when no state is selected: will not count taxes on first load of checkout" so the tax is not counted by default at the first view of the checkout.
OPC2 - US Tax settings
You may decide which price you would like to use at the checkout: basePrice or the salesPrice and see which option works better for you depending on your input in virtuemart's product management. In general it is better to use the basePrice for US use.
OPC2 - EU Tax settings
Most of the configuration of EU taxes is set up by virtuemart's calculation plugins in:
Virtuemart -> Products -> Taxes & Calculation Rules