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Professional PDF creation for VirtueMart

We worked hard to create an API for pdf conversion on our remote servers. The PDF conversion is able to create print reports from any type of Microsoft Office or Open Office documents such as .xls, xlsx, .doc, .docx, .ods, .odt and about hundred other extensions with input data casted from your VirtueMart database.

How does it work

With the configurator of One Page Checkout you can upload a template preferably in .ods (Open Office Calc format) where you can insert template variables such as {bt_first_name_0}  where bt_ is bill to prefix of your customer, first_name is a column name from your jos_vm_order_user_info table for a spcific order and _0 is enumeration of current selection (for the first order it is 0).


As you can see on the image above, we created a template for post cheque where we inserted the template variables, set the document not to print images (the cheque at the background) as we need only proper insertion of text fields.

If we have the template uploaded in the configuration, we can have a look onto the Order Details page in Components -> One Page Checkout -> Orders -> a particular order and will see export tab at the top of the page:


We clicked on the icon of the document and wait for the document to get generated. The icon automatically changes to this: exportfinishedicon

If we click on the PDF button we will see the exported template:


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