Conversion of office - XML - PDF is done on our virtual servers. The API is not dependent on customer's system such as Joomla and customer's side does not require any non-default php or XML extensions installed. The conversion is done with OSS software only and will be sold as mothly based service after sucessfull testing.
As your customer's data will be sent to our HTTPS server you must agree to limited liability of RuposTel s.r.o. for managing personal data of you and your customers. By using this feature you agree to following:
Personal Information Notice for PDF conversion API
Explanation of Terms
Service - PDF Conversion API on Remote servers at RuposTel s.r.o.
You - user of the Service and issuer of the commands and data to the Service
Personal Information
You agree that RuposTel s.r.o. a registered Ltd company at district court of Banska Bystrica, Slovakia under Insert No.: 11128/S, section Sro with registered office at Sidlisko Rimava 1069/36, 97901 Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia may collect personal information of your customers and you in order to be able to provide the Service. This personal information in the form of XML file will not be stored in database or any other form for any longer period than necessary for sucessfull Service result and they will not be provided to any third party by RuposTel s.r.o. This agreement can be discarted by not using the Service. Handling of personal data will be in accordance with Act No. 428/2002 of 3 July 2002 of Slovak Law Order. (Directive 95/46/EC). The person liable for handling personal data is the general manager of company - Stanislav Scholtz. You agree that any liabilities of RuposTel company will be treated accoding to Slovak law. RuposTel s.r.o. reserves right to store your template files without personal information of your customers in order to provide faster, cache-based system.
Limited Liability
While the Service is in test mode, we reserve the right to block any attempt to use API or disable the system at whole. There is no liability of RuposTel s.r.o. for the result of Service without prior agreement.
Security Communication Diagram
1. Your site issues request with valid XML data towards HTTPS API server of RuposTel
XML Scheme is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
// any of this elements will be searched in the office conversion template file as {variable} and replaced by element's variable. For full list of these variables have a look onto the configurator of One Page Checkout.
<URL>return URL for converted PDF</URL>
<FILE>filename.ods (only extension will be used from this filename)</FILE>
<TEMPLATE_FILE><![CDATA[ .... base64 encoded binary template file ... ]]></TEMPLATE_FILE>
// this section is post data which will be returned on the URL above. If your site has SSL backward communication, it will get encrypted. If it has no SSL support, it will receive this POST data on normal URL. PDF file will be as file attachment in returned POST data.
<secret> ... communication secret </secret>
2. Security is being enforced by exchanging secret token inside XML file which will be received by RuposTel API in encrypted stream and will be returned in POST data. Only requests to save PDF with valid SECRET will be accepted in One Page Checkout receiving handler.
3. Process is asynchronious due to queue character of conversion. After a request from your site, you will receive a message 'Added to the Queue' and only after sucessfull conversion RuposTel server will issue POST request to your site to save PDF file.
4. Your customer's data in XML are stored only in the queue table, and after sucessfull processing, they are erased and other information (KB, ids, domain) are moved into the log table.
5. Your template files might be transported as part of the XML in base64 stream or as a download URL for conversion API. Your template files may get saved due to the caching requirements. All possible communication is done on encrypted streams as far as possbile and if avaiable. RuposTel API uses self-signed certificates at the moment.
This agreement is due to be changed by RuposTel at any time.