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Available OnePage Checkout Templates

These are One Page Checkout templates included in standard installer. You can opt-out styled top basket and configure tax appearance, every template has it's own CSS file and some have also a javascript helper file.

Demos sites are available here...  


An OPC enhanced checkout with Klarna on Swedish site would look like this (clean and simple opc theme): 

clean screen


Black theme supports 2 step or single step logic. It is intended for dark backgrounds. Below is a customer implementation of the theme without Ship to address and with the shipping inside the cart at the first step. The theme works best on full screen. 



Users of Flatastic and Reviver Joomla and Virtuemart templates get support for the OPC theme that is specially crafted for this template. 



 Most of the themes support also automatic RTL detection per your Joomla language

Bandbox theme: 


OPC with clean simple2 on Joomla Art's ja_mero template 

ja mero


Sandwitch theme: 

dekeukenvanthijs nl winkelwagen

Clean and simple OPC2 checkout theme: 

clean simple logged

New Icetheme for color picker: 

www libreriatestiuniversitari it libreria carrello


German theme (with basket at the bottom)

www santegra de de start warenkorb

Example of a simple OPC theme modifiation, with Shipping and payment inside baset enabled feature

www mocdobre cz obchod cart

New Theme to support german law implemtations

(Link to german cart requirements)

german theme

Only OPC2 for Virtuemart 2

responsive sandwitch


When viewed on a mobile device, your cart will use one column design: 

Avaiable in both OPC1 and OPC2



Three column gray (three_column) template shows product unit prices in the top basket and uses javascript to show update and delete bottons per product. This template requires a few language string modifications in its php files (1.2.299).

Available in OPC1. Shall be migrated to OPC2 soon with custom color variations. 



Icetheme template (icetheme_thestore). This template was built for our chinese customer and uses a few images from icetheme template from (We are having a developer license for these templates). We've built several modifications of this template such as two column + various CSS cross browser compatible. This template also fully support RTL languages and was tested on Chinese, Arabic and Izrael VirtueMart installations.

Available in OPC1 and OPC2


Two column version of icetheme template from our demo



Two step template was built to enhance sales of related products or most sold products with those in the cart.

Avaiable only for OPC1. If you'd like this theme for OPC2 we might require "custom template modification" at purchase (May 2012)

Step 1:


Step 2 (pbv two_step)

Available for OPC1. OPC2 will be migrated during summer 2012. 



Other included templates are modifications of these or are not styled to support your own Virtuemart and Joomla CSS. These templates were created as custom work for our customers and are distributed with any version of One Page Checkout. We design new fully styled templates from 200 to 500 eur (100 eur per day) and do minor CSS modifications for already included templates from 50 to 200 eur including javascript, php and CSS work.


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